news & awards
Image Description: A blurred image of a street in London at night.
8 February 2024
Little By Little Films is selected to pitch at CPH:FORUM with the project “The Listeners”.
Little By Little Films will be pitching at CPH:FORUM 2024 with the project “The Listeners”. The film is directed by Lindsey Dryden, produced by Samantha Steele and Lindsey Dryden, and co-produced by Nora Wilkinson.
CPH:FORUM will bring together more than 65 filmmakers and producers from 26 countries between March 18-21.
Image Description: Black text on white background that reads, “Ford Foundation invests over $ 4.2 million to support new documentary films focused on social justice.”
25 January 2023
Ford Foundation's $4.2 million support to new documentary films focused on social justice includes two projects by Lindsey Dryden.
Image Description: Eight posters for films being shown at Superfest Disability Film Festival.
20 October 2023
"(Un)fit To Work” and "Whose Voice is It Anyway" have festival world premieres at Superfest 2023
Two Channel 4 Random Acts films, executive produced by Little By Little Films, are selected for Superfest Disability Film Festival in Berkeley, which returns this year for its 37th year. The films "(Un)fit To Work” directed by Yasmin Godo and "Whose Voice Is It Anyway" directed by Kate Caryer were made for Channel 4 in a UK-wide call-out for new talent.
Image Description: A yellow analogue phone is lit up in the centre of frame as it sits on a desk, surrounded by papers and an ashtray.
2 September 2023
“The Callers” directed by Lindsey Dryden is in production.
“The Callers” directed by Lindsey Dryden starts shooting today, featuring a majority LGBTQ+ crew and cast. The film is directed by Lindsey Dryden, produced by Colleen Cassingham and Jess Devaney at Multitude Films, and produced by Sam Steele and Lindsey Dryden at Little By Little Films. Beatriz Sastre is Director of Photography, Jo Paterson is composer and Tash Walker and Adam Zmith (co-creators of “The Log Books”) are consulting on the project as advisors.
The Callers is one of four films in the award-winning Queer Futures series originated by Multitude Films, along with MnM directed by Twiggy Pucci Garcon, How to Carry Water directed by Sasha Wortzel and The Script directed by Brit Fryer and Noah Schamus.
Image Description: A grey poster with "2023 New Academy Members" written in white font, with the Oscars logo under.
28 June 2023
Lindsey Dryden invited to become a member of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Lindsey Dryden has been invited to become a member of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (known for its annual Academy Awards, aka "The Oscars").
The Academy extended invitations to join the organization to 398 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves by their contributions to motion pictures.
"The Academy is proud to welcome these artists and professionals into our membership. They represent extraordinary global talent across cinematic disciplines, and have made a vital impact on the arts and sciences of motion pictures and on movie fans worldwide," said Academy CEO Bill Kramer and Academy President Janet Yang.
Image Description: A yellow background with "Documentary Film Council" written in black font.
17 June 2023
Documentary Film Council launched at Sheffield DocFest; Sam Steele and Lindsey Dryden work on the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee
The Documentary Film Council (DFC) is a nationwide participatory initiative that has been co-designed by filmmakers and executives from across the industry working in partnership with researchers at UWE Bristol. Little By Little Films' Lindsey Dryden and Sam Steele are working on the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee, to support the new sector-wide body for the UK's independent documentary which was unveiled at Sheffield Doc Fest.
Image Description: A yellow desk with a phone, paperclips, pens and a magnifying glass. In the centre "Accessibility" is written on a white background.
7 June 2023
LBL's Kyla Harris and Lindsey Dryden host IDA Teach Outs: Accessibility & Disability Justice
Image Description: Inside of a theatre. A crowd is sat in red chairs looking at the stage. A screen reads "Untitled Dwarfism Project" as five people stand underneath it with 3 white chairs to the left of them.
20 March 2023
Team 'Untitled Dwarfism Project' pitches at CPH:Dox
CPH:DOX's 20th anniverary edition features a Little By Little Films collaboration in the CPH:FORUM: "Untitled Dwarfism Project", directed by Julie Forrest Wyman, produced by Lindsey Dryden, Jonna McKone and Shaleece Haas.
CPH:FORUM 2023 will introduce brand new projects by filmmakers such as Ljubomir Stefanov (Honeyland), Jessica Kingdon (Ascension), Finlay Pretsell (Time Trial), Ousmane Samassekou (The Last Shelter), Mila Turajlić (The Labudovic Reels), Tonislav Hristov (The Good Postman), Iryna Tsilyk (The Earth Is Blue as an Orange) and Brett Story (The Hottest August), among many others.
Image Description: A black woman with curly hair and a white man with white hair are tango dancing together in a blue lit room.
15 March 2023
"(Un)fit To Work” has festival premiere at @BFIFLARE
Little By Little Films' collaboration with Channel 4's Random Acts and director Yasmin Godo, "(Un)fit To Work”, has its festival premiere at BFI Flare in London.
Image Description: A white woman with bright pink hair wearing a black t-shirt is sitting in her power wheelchair. Text to the left of her reads "Whose Voice Is It Anyway? Random Acts"
Image Description: A bright, celebratory shot of a crowd. At its centre is a black person wearing a durag and sitting, posed, on the floor pulling gum of their mouth and tilting their head back joyfully. The room is an LGBTQ+ ballroom with disco lighting, and all around a group of people cheer them on.
23 November 2023
"(Un)fit To Work” and "Whose Voice Is It Anyway" have TV premiere on Channel 4
Little By Little Films collaborates with rising disabled talent to deliver two Channel 4 Random Acts films, which had their premiere in November 2022. Lindsey Dryden executive produces and Sam Steele co-produces for Little By Little Films.
"(Un)fit To Work” is directed by Yasmin Godo and produced by Jamie McCallum (Plus Another One)
"1982: disqualified from a job by an ableist Job Centre, Nicholas dreams of an alternative, fairer, and much more musical world for him and fellow disabled jobseekers." See the film at:
"Whose Voice Is It Anyway" is directed by Kate Caryer and produced by Dominique Unsworth (Resource Productions)
"A striking modern fable of two women, disability, personal freedom and power." See the film at:
25 July 2022
Hollywood Reporter: Sundance Institute Reveals Selected Participants For 2022 Producers Lab And Summit
The Fellows and projects selected for the Lab’s Documentary Film Program are Lindsey Dryden (Untitled Dwarfism Project), Yoni Golijov (Untitled Sura Mallouh Project), Dawne Langford (Untitled Baltimore Project), Neyda Martinez (Bartolo) and Igor Myakotin (Queendom). Those set for the Lab’s Feature Film Program are Apoorva Guru Charan (The Rotting Of Casey Culpepper), Leah Chen Baker (The President’s Cake), Eli Raskin (Starf*ckers), Chloe Sabin (Sales Per Hour), and the duo of Helena Sardinha and Doménica Castro (Huella).
Lindsey Dryden is producing Untitled Dwarfism Project with fellow producer Jonna McKone and director Julie Forrest Wyman.
1 April 2022
Channel 4, FWD-Doc: Filmmakers with Disabilities, Deaf & Disabled People In TV (DDPTV) and Little By Little Films launch UK training events about disability in TV
1. DISABILITY IN TV: How to Hire, Include, and Progress Disabled Employees & Freelancers
This engaging online training session aims to empower senior decision-makers in the UK independent production sector as they develop their disability inclusion practices, and will bring to life the recent ‘C4 Introductory Guides to Hiring, Including and Progressing Disabled Production Talent’. UK senior decision-makers in TV can register here:
13 April 2022 6pm (fully booked)
This online training and networking session focuses on nurturing disabled production talent in UK television, by sharing tips to effectively navigate the industry as a disabled person, helping to increase confidence, and expanding self-advocacy tools and networks. Led by our team of experienced active filmmakers, we aim to offer support, encouragement and community. UK disabled production talent can register here:
19 May 2022 6pm (fully booked)
14 April 2022 6pm (fully booked)
Please let me know when you're holding the next 'How To Be Disabled in TV' Workshop
The sessions will include both presentation and interactive elements, real examples from TV & film industry situations, practical tips, facts and takeaways. The session for disabled talent will also include time for networking.
Accessibility: The sessions will be BSL interpreted and will have live captions available. Please contact if you have any questions or additional accessibility requirements.
Please note: numbers are capped at 25 people for these events, to ensure a comfortable environment for discussion, and these events are for UK participants. We will offer these sessions three times during spring/early summer 2022.
17 February 2022
Little By Little Films works on Netflix short documentary TEGAN
Today, Netflix launches ten short documentaries backed by its inaugural Documentary Talent Fund, for which LBL Films’ Creative Director was a juror. We had the pleasure of working on Netflix-funded short doc TEGAN with Bristol-based director Ngaio Anyia and producer Aodh Breathnach, with Sam Steele as Production Manager and Lindsey Dryden as Executive Producer. TEGAN centres on brilliant young equestrian Tegan Vincent Cook: categorised by the world as a young black woman with cerebral palsy, the film reveals her talent and drive as an equestrian on a mission to reach the 2024 Paralympics.
Read more about the launch:
30 June 2021
Queering Documentary: An LGBTQ+ Conversation in Documentary Magazine
“Yance Ford, Set Hernandez Rongkilyo, Jess Search, Lindsey Dryden, Yvonne Welbon, PJ Raval, Sam Feder, Kim Yutani and Viridiana Lieberman represent a cross-section of roles and industry experience, and are all people whose work, perspectives, leadership, and friendship have sharpened my producing practice. It was such a gift to host this conversation with them. “ ~ Jess Devaney, Multitude Films
08 June 2021
FWD-Doc releases Engagement Pack in partnership with BFI Doc Society
FWD-Doc has released an Engagement Pack, supported by BFI Doc Society Fund. The pack “provides practical resources and information for the film industry on how to engage effectively, respectfully and creatively with disabled film talent and audiences. It is designed to empower all areas of the independent film sector; from distribution, exhibition and festivals to decision makers across awards and funding, and filmmakers.”
Ella Glendining, Director of Is There Anybody Out There?, said of the resource: “This engagement pack is such an amazing resource for filmmakers, commissioners and buyers who need guidance on disability issues. It is so encouraging to know that industry people now have a place to go to learn about ableism, the social model of disability, intersectionality and best practice, and the icing on the cake is that it was put together by my disabled peers, because quite frankly, we know best. Understanding the importance of reframing traditional disability narratives is key, as is laid out clearly in the document. This makes me feel that I personally am more likely to have success with my work; that my perspective will be seen as timely and essential.”
Read more about the launch:
27 May 2021
Writers Lab UK announces first cohort of screenwriters and projects, along with mentors
The Writers Lab UK and Ireland announced its first cohort in May 2021. The programme is an international offshoot of the script development program for woman and non-binary writers over 40.
LBL Films' Lindsey Dryden will be a mentor for the programme, alongside producer Tanya Qureshi (I May Destroy You); screenwriter Abby Ajayi (How To Get Away With Murder); actor and producer Ruth Wilson; screenwriter Meg LeFauve (Captain Marvel); producer Caroline Kaplan (Sorry To Bother You), Anne Hubbell (Keep The Change) and Shruti Ganguly (Initials SG, H.); writer/producers Jenny Halper (American Honey), Angela Kang (The Walking Dead), Kayleigh Llewelyn (In My Skin) and Maria Maggenti (Motherland); writer Deborah Goodwin (Snaeland); and writer and actor Sharon Horgan (Motherland).
27 May 2021
Netflix launches Documentary Talent Fund, choosing 10 filmmaking teams
Netflix has named 10 aspiring filmmaking teams from the United Kingdom to receive funding through the streamer’s inaugural Documentary Talent Fund.
LBL Films' ’s Lindsey Dryden joined director Kirsten Johnson (Cameraperson, Dick Johnson Is Dead); Doc Society Head of Film Shanida Scotland; producer Joanna Natasegara (Virunga); cultural strategist Akua Agyemfra; SB.TV. founder Jamal Edwards; and Jonny Taylor and Kate Townsend from Netflix on the judging panel.
28 April 2021
Interview with LBL Films' Lindsey Dryden about the FWD-Doc Toolkit
Cineuropa chatted with LBL Films’ Lindsey Dryden, co-founder of FWD-Doc: Filmmakers with Disabilities, about the FWD-Doc Toolkit, an innovative document detailing how to make filmmaking authentically accessible and inclusive.
8 March 2021
SXSW Mentors and Film Round Tables Announced
LBL Films' Lindsey Dryden will be a mentor for the “Making Film and Episodics” track at the 2021 SXSW Film Festival.
25 February 2021
FWD-Doc launches A Toolkit for Inclusion & Accessibility: Changing the Narrative of Disability in Documentary Film in association with the UK’s DocSociety and supported by Netflix.
We find ourselves in an unprecedented moment of creative and financial opportunity for the documentary film industry, if we engage with authentic disabled storytelling and talent, make our media genuinely accessible, and better understand and cater to the world’s 1 billion D/deaf and disabled people — currently a seriously underserved audience for film. This Toolkit for Inclusion & Accessibility has been created by FWD-Doc in association with Doc Society and supported by Netflix, featuring a case study about Crip Camp (2020) and with a view to best practice, not just compliance.
9th December 2020
BIFAs 2020: The Forgotten C is nominated Best British Short at the British Independent Film Awards
BIFA nominations were announced online this morning (Wednesday December 9) by actors Holliday Grainger and Micheal Ward, and included a Best British Short nod for The Forgotten C, which is produced and co-written by Jessi Gutch, directed, shot and co-written by Molly Manning Walker, and executive produced by Lindsey Dryden and The Uncertain Kingdom. BIFA voters said: “Beautifully shot, and one of the few lockdown films that didn’t just look tired and as boring as lockdown.”
22 April 2020
BFI Reveals 2020 Vision Awards: ‘Bait’, ‘Saint Maud’, ‘Ammonite’ Producers Among Recipients
The BFI has revealed this year’s Vision Awards, its funding awards for emerging UK production companies. This year it has targeted more experienced producers, who have made between one and three distributed projects (features, TV or immersive content).
Ben Roberts, BFI Chief Executive, said: “When all parts of our industry are feeling the impacts of this shut down, investment in our independent producers is more important than ever. They are the cornerstone of our industry, and these early career producers will be central to bringing exciting talent together to create powerful and culturally diverse stories. It is the strength of these stories and their ability to connect with audiences, which will play a central role in our industry’s continued cultural and economic success, as well as its recovery.”
24 September 2019
TRANS IN AMERICA: TEXAS STRONG wins the Emmy® for Outstanding Short Documentary!
Our short documentary Trans In America: Texas Strong, produced by the ACLU and Little By Little Films and broadcast by them. / Condé Nast Entertainment, has won the News & Documentary Emmy® Award for Outstanding Short Documentary!
The film’s subjects and teams were honoured at the 40th Annual News and Documentary Emmy®Awards on Tuesday 24th September at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall in New York City. The event was attended by film subjects Kai and Kimberly Shappley, Director Daresha Kyi, Producers Lindsey Dryden and Shaleece Haas (Little By Little Films), Executive Producer Molly Kaplan ACLU, Coordinating Producer Nora Wilkinson (ACLU), Editor Jamie Boyle, Director of Photography Amy Bench, Contributing Producer Christopher Klimovski (Condé Nast) and Condé Nast’s Whembley Sewell. The team accepted the award in honour of all of the subjects of the Trans In America documentary series: Eisha Love, Jennifer Chavez and the Shappley family.
25 July 2019
TRANS IN AMERICA: TEXAS STRONG nominated for an Emmy®!
Our film Trans In America: Texas Strong, produced by the ACLU and Little By Little Films and broadcast by them. / Condé Nast Entertainment, has been nominated for a News & Documentary Emmy® Award for Outstanding Short Documentary!
Nominations for the 40th Annual News and Documentary Emmy®Awards were announced today by The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS). The awards will be presented on Tuesday 24th September at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall in New York City. The event will be attended by more than 1,000 television and news media industry executives, news and documentary producers and journalists.
“The clear, transparent, and factual reporting provided by these journalists and documentarians is paramount to keeping our nation and its citizens informed,” said Adam Sharp, President & CEO, NATAS. “Even while under attack, truth and the hard-fought pursuit of it must remain cherished, honored, and defended. These talented nominees represent true excellence in this mission and in our industry.”
13 May 2019
TRANS IN AMERICA: TEXAS STRONG wins a Webby Award and People’s Voice Award!
Trans In America: Texas Strong has been named the Best Video Documentary: Longform and the People’s Voice winner in the same category, in the 23rd Annual Webby Awards. Hailed as the “Internet’s highest honor” by The New York Times, and known as “the Oscars of the Internet”, The Webby Awards are presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS), the leading international awards organization honoring excellence on the Internet. Established in 1996, this year’s Webby Awards received nearly 13,000 entries from all 50 US states and 70 countries worldwide.
“Trans In America: Texas Strong has set the standard for innovation and creativity on the Internet,” said Claire Graves, Executive Director of The Webby Awards. “This award is a testament to the skill, ingenuity, and vision of its creators.”
The Webby Awards ceremony was held on 13 May at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City, where the Trans In America team joined winners including Issa Rae, Michael Douglas and Monica Lewinsky in delivering one of the Webbys’ famous 5-Word Speeches: “Great Stories Make People Change.”
Film subject Kai Shappley’s speech: “Protect Trans Youth. We’re Fabulous!”
March 2019
TRANS IN AMERICA: TEXAS STRONG selected for South By Southwest (SXSW) 2019!
The first film in our verite documentary series, Trans In America: Texas Strong directed by Daresha Kyi, will be having its festival premiere on March 9th at SXSW, as one of 11 short docs selected for the festival’s 2019 programme!
We will also be celebrating our team's work at a SXSW panel on Sunday March 10th at the Austin Convention Center. Trans In America: An Indie and Advocacy Partnership is a discussion featuring directors Cary Cronenwett and Daresha Kyi, Producer Lindsey Dryden (Little By Little Films) and Executive Producer Molly Kaplan (ACLU).
The UK Film Council supported Producer Dryden’s trip to Austin, Texas. Thank you Claudette Godfrey, Janet Pierson and the entire SXSW programming team!
October 2018
Verité short documentary series TRANS IN AMERICA, depicting three transgender individuals’ battle for their civil rights, produced by Little By Little Films and the ACLU, to launch exclusively on Condé Nast’s ‘them'.’
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) commissioned Little By Little Films to produce a series of three verité documentaries about transgender civil rights in the United States. The three films reveal the daily impact of discrimination on three families as they battle with bathroom bills, vulnerability in employment and housing, and the aftermath of incarceration in Texas, Illinois and Georgia.
One film will be released on ‘them.’ every week for three weeks, with Episode 1 (Kai in Texas) debuting on 10 October 2018, Episode 2 (Eisha in Chicago) on 18 October and Episode 3 (Jennifer in Georgia) on 24 October 2018.
Each film in the series is directed by an LGBTQ+ filmmaker, produced by an inclusive and majority-LGBTQ+ production team led by Lindsey Dryden at Little By Little Films, and informed by a panel of transgender Advisors.
December 2017
Unrest one of 15 feature documentaries to be considered for Academy Award Nomination
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced on 7 December 2017 that Unrest, produced by Shella Films and Little By Little Films, is one of 15 films in the Documentary Feature category that will advance in the voting process for the 90th Academy Awards®. 170 films were originally submitted in the category.
Unrest was directed by Jennifer Brea, and produced by Jennifer Brea, Lindsey Dryden, Patricia E. Gillespie and Alysa Nahmias. Deborah Hoffmann was Executive Producer and Creative Advisor.
August 2017
Sundance prize-winning doc Unrest gets UK release | Screen Daily
Unrest, the feature documentary about ME (also known as chronic fatigue syndrome) which premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and won a Special Jury Prize for Editing, will get a UK release in October. Unrest will be independently released by its producers, Jennifer Brea’s Shella Films based in Los Angeles, and Lindsey Dryden’s Little By Little Films based in Gloucestershire, UK, in collaboration with indie distributor Together Films.
August 2017
Directors UK Inspire: Participants Announced, Mentors include Lindsey Dryden, Roger Michell
In April, Directors UK launched Directors UK Inspire – a new, year-round mentoring programme for Full and Associate members. We are now thrilled to announce the first group of participants for the scheme, as well as the mentors they’ll be working with. Rebecca Kenyon will be mentored by Lindsey Dryden
July 2017
The Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund Announces Summer 2017 John Brabourne Award Winners
The Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund (CTBF), the charity for moving image professionals, has today announced the Summer 2017 winners of the John Brabourne Awards. Twelve Awardees, including Writer/Director/Producer Lindsey Dryden, Writer Nell Garfath-Cox and Actor/Producer Xenia Glen, have been chosen from a pool of 157 by an industry panel to each receive up to £5000 in order to progress their careers.
May 2017
Poet Jackie Kay Opens Up About Accepting LGBTQ+ Identity To Celebrate New Tate Britain Exhibition, in Short Film Directed by Lindsey Dryden
Scottish poet laureate Jackie Kay celebrates queer British art with emotive story about finding her identity for Tate Britain and Channel 4's Random Acts film collaboration. Directed by Lindsey Dryden, the 55-year-old writer describes how the character in the story is on the run from herself, which later forced her to question what identity meant to her as a black, Scottish woman growing up.
June 2017
Two Awards for Unrest at Sheffield Doc/Fest 2017
Sheffield Doc/Fest announces its award winners for 2017, including the Illuminate Award for Unrest (directed by Jennifer Brea, produced by Jennifer Brea, Lindsey Dryden, Patricia E. Gillespie, Alysa Nahmias) and the VR Award for Unrest VR, co-created by Jennifer Brea and Amaury La Burthes and produced by Jennifer Brea, Arnaud Colinart, Lindsey Dryden, Amaury La Burthes and Gregoire Parain. Hosted for the first time by BBC Radio Sheffield presenter and Doc/Fest fan, Paulette Edwards, the Sheffield Doc/Fest award winners each received a bespoke Sheffield steel trophy, The Steel Core, created for Sheffield Doc/Fest by Sheffield artist Harrison Moore.
June 2017
Project produced by Former WFTV mentee wins two Awards at Doc/Fest
Unrest, a project produced by former WFTV mentee Lindsey Dryden has picked up two awards at Sheffield Doc/Fest.
The film won the Illuminate Award, which is supported by the Wellcome Trust and celebrates vibrant and innovative filmmaking inspired by scientific understanding. And the accompanying VR project for the film has won the Alternate Realities VR Award at the festival, which is awarded to the best virtual reality project.
March 2017
Queer Producers Collective host panel at SXSW 2017 on LGBTQ+ Storytelling
Queer Voices On and Off Screen, March 13, 2017. Join indie documentary and narrative filmmakers Jessica Devaney, Lindsey Dryden, Ingrid Jungermann and Sam Tabet as they grapple with the stories their films should tell, and explore the ways that filmmakers can ensure LGBTQ perspectives are reflected both in front of and behind the camera.
January 2017
Sundance: Medical Mystery Doc 'Unrest' Nabbed by PBS (Exclusive)
The film chronicles director Jennifer Brea's battle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and the PBS network has acquired U.S. broadcast rights for its Emmy Award-winning series Independent Lens. The series will broadcast the film during the first quarter of 2018, following an international theatrical release. Brea produced the doc along with Lindsey Dryden and Patricia E. Gillespie. Deborah Hoffmann, Ruth Ann Harnisch, Regina K. Scully, Lisa Gunn, Donna Fairman Wilson, Dan Cogan, Ian Darling and Lynda Weinman executive produced.
January 2016
Sundance Winners: ‘I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore,’ ‘Dina’, 'Unrest' Top Festival Awards
A Sundance Film Festival that was colored, gripped and sometimes overshadowed by the early days of the Donald Trump administration saw a slew of feminist films win big at the gathering's awards. Multiple female filmmakers nabbed top prizes, while a tale of a woman reasserting control over her life scored the festival's highest honor. Unrest won the Special Jury Award for Editing: Kim Roberts and Emiliano Battista.
July 2016
Guiding Lights unveils 17 new mentees
The eighth edition of the UK’s Guiding Lights mentoring scheme has selected 17 new mentees from 215 applications received across the UK and Ireland:
Directors – Aleem Khan, Baff Akoto, Julia Stovell, Kate Dolan, Lindsey Dryden. Producers – Jude Goldrei, Lizzie Brown, Ohna Falby, Sarah Brocklehurst. Writers – Ailbhe Keogan, Brian Martin, Kara Smith, Paven Virk, Ruth Paxton. Exhibitors – Becky Bruzas, Matthew Hellett, Sara Duffy
This year’s participants work in fiction and documentary, adult and children’s TV, theatre, commercials, learning disability film exhibition, and immersive cinema experiences. Guiding Lights is run by Lighthouse and supported by Creative Skillset’s Film Skills Fund, which is funded by the BFI with National Lottery funds, through the Skills Investment Fund (SIF).
July 2016
IFP Announces No Borders, Spotlight on Docs Feature Films for IFP Film Week
IFP, Filmmaker‘s parent organization, announced the 120 feature film projects that will take place in its annual IFP Film Week, taking place September 17 – 22 in DUMBO, Brooklyn. Particularly noteworthy this year are the roster’s gender diversity states: 40% of the narrative directors and 60 % of the documentary directors are women.
Billy (written and directed by Lindsey Dryden and produced by Lindsey Dryden, John MacFarlane, Sarah Spring, and Selin Murat) is a queer music mystery, and a creative documentary about one of the 20th century's most intriguing LGBTQ icons (in development).
June 2016
How To Successfully Pitch Your Documentary, According To Filmmakers Who Have Done It
The Sheffield Doc/Fest is one of the world’s premiere non-fiction film festivals, celebrating both the art and business of documentary film. The business part is a key component, as Sheffield’s MeetMarket has unlocked over $53 million of deals for documentarians since its inception in 2006. It’s for this reason that the filmmakers at Sheffield, while in addition to being top-of-their-field artists, are also experts at how to pitch their projects and getting investors onboard. To tap into some of that knowledge, IndieWire reached out to six of these experienced filmmakers who have had success pitching and are participating in this year’s MeetMarket, including filmmakers Lindsey Dryden and Al Morrow, to get their advice about what does and does not work when presenting your project to investors.
April 2016
Sheffield Doc/Fest unveils MeetMarket 2016 projects | Screen Daily
Sheffield Doc/Fest (June 10-15) has revealed the titles that will pitch for funding at the 11th edition of its MeetMarket initiative. Producer Lindsey Dryden will bring Canary In A Coal Mine (working title) directed by Jennifer Brea (USA & Little By Little Films Ltd, UK): when doctors insisted that Brea’s condition was psychosomatic she picked up her camera to document her own story and the stories of four other patients struggling with the world’s most prevalent orphan disease;
March 2016
Hot Docs unveils 19 projects in Forum slate
Selected from more than 200 international submissions, 19 selected projects will be presented to a round table of leading commissioning editors, film fund representatives, financiers, programming executives and delegates during the mornings of May 3 and May 4. Projects come from 16 countries, and are helmed by 11 female directors and 26 female producers. The selection includes Billy, directed by Lindsey Dryden, produced by Parabola Films (Canada) and Little By Little Films (UK).
February 2016
Filmmaker Profile: Lindsey Dryden
Our ‘Filmonomics Filmmaker Profile’ series spotlights each of our 2015 Filmonomics participants, giving you an insight into their projects and working practice. This week, we chat to Lindsey Dryden about equal representation on film, the importance of saving up to make movies, and seeing the films you believe in.
October 2015
Team 'Canary In A Coal Mine' takes part in BritDoc's GOOD PITCH NYC
Jen Brea, Lindsey Dryden and Trish Gillespie, the producers of Canary In A Coal Mine [later Unrest] – a documentary film about ME/CFS – were one of seven film teams to present at Good Pitch New York, a gathering of foundations, NGOs, campaigners, philanthropists, policymakers, brands, technology, government, and media to forge campaigns around films addressing leading social issues.
May 2014
Sheffield Doc/Fest's Future Producers programme launches with British documentary producing talent
The Future Producer School programme, created by Sheffield Doc/Fest and Bungalow Town Productions, has selected its inaugural Fellows, including Julia Nottingham, Lindsey Dryden, John Stack and Anna Griffin.
November 2013
Lindsey Dryden nominated for Best Producer Award at Underwire Film Festival
Underwire Film Festival has nominated Lindsey Dryden, producer of director Joanna Coates' short documentary 'Little Ones', for the Best Producer Award supported by Women in Film & Television UK.
March 2012
Huffington Post: 'Lost And Sound' Director Lindsey Dryden On What Happens To Music When You Go Deaf
If you only had a few minutes before you lost your hearing, what three songs would you listen to? British director Lindsey Dryden poses this question, asking people for their 'Panic List'. The prompt works conceptually as a prequel to Dryden's first feature film, in which it becomes a catch-22 -- what would you listen to after you lost your hearing? Dryden, a director and '"music obsessive" who is partially deaf and was facing further hearing loss when she began making the film, explores the lives of three subjects with hearing loss in her documentary, "Lost and Sound," which premiered at SXSW earlier this month. For each, music is such an inextricable part of their lives, they found a way back in -- or into it for the first time -- after losing their hearing. Reactions to the film post-screening were warm, the audience sharing in something intimate and unexplainable about the human spirit.
September 2012
Meet: Lindsey Dryden, director of ‘Lost and Sound’
Lindsey Dryden’s feature documentary Lost and Sound has blazed a trail across the world since its premiere at the prestigious SXSW festival in America in March this year. The film is about deafness, the brain, and music, featuring three deaf people and their journey into sound. Lindsey is herself deaf, so we asked her about her life and her work, in roughly that order.
March 2012
Austin Chronicle Review: SXSW | 24 Beats Per Second | ‘Lost and Sound’
Lindsey Dryden's documentary Lost and Sound looks into the lives of three people – a dancer who's been deaf since birth, a young pianist who lost her hearing as a baby, and a middle-aged music critic who's gone totally deaf in one ear. These personal threads of narrative, shot as naturally as home movies, are interwoven with graphically enhanced commentary from audiologists and academics – and with beautiful, polychrome clouds-in-water sequences that attempt to replicate, visually, the often fluid and billowing architecture of music. Director Dryden is hearing-impaired, note, but neither deaf nor blind to what it takes to construct a fascinating documentary film.